SRCF Documentation

Hello there! This is the Student-Run Computing Facility's documentation. Our revamped docs contain all manner of useful pages, such as getting started guides, tutorials and a technical reference. In this revision we've placed an emphasis on learning, tutorials and making information more technically accessible so that you can fully leverage our services.

You can navigate the docs by exploring our links below, using our search, or downloading a single PDF at your leisure.


A detailed technical breakdown of our services, servers and overall set-up. If you want to know more about a particular aspect of the SRCF, this is the place.

View the full reference »

Help & support

In addition to this growing collection of help pages, our volunteers operate a support list and live chat. Please do not be afraid to ask for help! Asking for help is an essential stage of the learning process and we often find asking a simple question can cut down (or completely avoid) hours of painful debugging.


Want to learn how to do something on our servers and prefer a step-by-step approach?

View all tutorials »


Read more detailed and less prescriptive pages on more general SRCF matters.

View all guides »

Internal docs

Internal non user-facing documentation for volunteers.

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