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Files and permissions


Each group account has a corresponding system (UNIX) group that manages access permissions for files and directories in the group account space. Both /societies/<groupname> and /public/societies/<groupname> are writable by the system group. Each admin of the account is then added to that system group, which grants the admin permissions to manage files.

When creating new files or directories, you should ensure the system group permissions are correct – for each file the system group should match the group account name (and not your personal system group), and permissions should include group-write. Directories should also be group-sticky, so that subdirectories will inherit the correct permissions. Example output from ls -l:

    drwxrwsr-x  2 <crsid> <groupname> 4.0K Jan  1  2020 directory
    -rw-rw-r--  2 <crsid> <groupname>    0 Jan  1  2020 file

The important fields to note here are rw appearing in both of the first two sets of permissions (user and group), and s in the directory group column for sticky.


Files in a group account space will generally be owned by the admin that created them, but with the file’s group set to match the corresponding group account, any admin can modify or delete these files as needed.

Some files may be owned by a user named after the group. This is an internal system user: websites and group account services are run as this user, meaning any files they create will have this ownership. Again, ensuring group permissions are set correctly will mean that any admin can manage such files.

Fixing bad permissions

You can run srcf-soc-permfix <groupname> over SSH, which will add any missing group permissions to files owned by the user that run it. This means you can fix files that you own, as well as files created by the internal group account’s user with sudo -u <groupname> srcf-soc-permfix <groupname>. If you encounter files owned by another admin with incorrect permissions, they will need to run this command themselves in order to fix them. In the case of ex-admins, you can contact the SRCF sysadmins to fix permissions for you.