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MySQL and PostgreSQL databases


Both user and group accounts can make use of databases, either in MySQL or PostgreSQL. We don’t create accounts for these by default – you will need to request them separately via the control panel, which will give you a distinct password for authentication (don’t use your personal SRCF password).

You will receive a default database named after your account. In MySQL, you can create additional databases of the form <username>/<something>. For PostgreSQL, you can make use of schemas to organise your tables if needed.

Connecting to your database

The canonical hostnames for database servers are mysql and postgres, which are valid across all user-accessible servers.

To connect to MySQL from an SRCF shell:

    mysql -h mysql -p <database>

Here, -h specifies the hostname, -p prompts for your password, and you’re connected to the database specified at the end – either your CRSid for your personal database, or a group database name.

Similarly for PostgreSQL:

    psql -h postgres [database]

Providing a database is optional; by default, you’ll be connected to the one matching your username. Ident authentication is enabled for PostgreSQL, which will authenticate you based on the underlying system account, so you usually don’t need to provide a password.

You can also use phpMyAdmin for MySQL, and phpPgAdmin PostgreSQL, to manage your databases in a browser.

Group account access

If logged in using your personal database account, you can also access databases owned by group accounts you administrate.

When configuring software or websites in a group account, you must use the group database account to access its databases – do not use your personal credentials as that would give other group account admins access to your personal account and all the databases (both personal and group) to which you have access!