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Statically generated sites


Static site generators allow you to leverage powerful markup formats and consistent styling to produce websites that load really quickly. In fact, these docs are an example!


There are two types of content that can be served via a web server: dynamic and static. Some websites need to be dynamic by nature, like online banking, but others, that mostly deliver information via text, don’t. Using a web application or full-fledged content management system to do the latter can seriously slow down load times for your website.

Writing raw HTML is tricky and cumbersome, however, so so-called static site generators have emerged as powerful tools to turn simple markup into pretty websites.

There are also other noteworthy benefits, so give this a read.

A few reputable SSGs out there include:

  • Hugo
  • Jekyll
  • Gatsby

Static site generators don’t preclude you from having dynamic content. Gatsby, powered by React, is an example that has good integrations (HTTP requests, GraphQL) so you can easily make such queries and insert new content into your pages.

Testing Hugo

… to be completed

Closing remarks

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